About us

Through years De Siqueira Consulting developed a considerable network in various sectors in Latin America and Europe that enable us to introduce you to reliable business partners, distributors, agents, join-venture partners.

Our team

Sheilla Madeleine Vestergaard De Siqueira

Owner - De Siqueira Consulting

Contact: sheilla@desiqueira.dk

Rogerio Macedo

Patner Company - Weldspray


Contact: sales.brazil@desiqueira.dk

Member of Business North Denmark

Sheilla Madeleine Vestergaard De Siqueira

E-mail: sheilla@desiqueira.dk

Sheilla is a native Portuguese and Spanish speaker, as a child she grew up in Brazil close to the border with Bolivia and Paraguay with great multicultural influence. As the daughter of a doctor of French famile and a native Brazilian judge in the Ministry of Taxation, Sheilla herself had great ambitions and therefore she moved at an early age to the metropolis of Sao Paulo to study at the university and work. In 2003 she moved to Denmark.

Sheilla have many years of experience as Business developer and Market manager working within the South America and South Europe Markets. Through her background she knows the culture, it’s in her blood, but more important she possess solid competency in international business and negotiations with customers and suppliers within an international and multicultural environment.

Therefore, De Siqueira Consulting is the right choice to help your company becoming a global play and supplier in these markets.


  • Market Manager, Inelco Grinders A/S
  • Business Developer, VMS Group A/S
  • Brazilian Market Coordinator, Siemens Wind Power
  • Brazilian Market Research Internship, NOWACO
  • Market Analyst South America, Brazbiz
  • Pension Advisor, União da Previdenciária Uniprev
  • Quality Control Manager, BOSCH
  • Sales Manager, TWS Trilogy Work Solution São Paulo


  • MSc. in International Business Economics, AAU
  • BSc. in Economics and Business Administration, AAU
  • Marketing Management, Nordjylland Erhvervsakademi
  • BSc. in Economics, Pontifïcia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


Aalborg Universitet Business Mentor Board: A mentoring programme matching newly enrolled master students with business executives from the North Denmark Region.


Rogerio Macedo

E-mail: sales.brazil@desiqueira.dk

Rogerio is Brazilian and live in Brazil

Rogerio has 25 years of consulting experience in Latin America, primarily as a specialist in production technology and technical training.

Through his company Weldspray, which represents several international companies in welding automation equipment, Rogerio Macedo has built up a strong and solid network in the Latin American industrial market.



  • Welding Technologist
  • Post Graduated in Production Engineering.